2016 behind, 2017 forward
With a year drawing to a close, I have a habit of looking back at my goals I set for myself, see how I have done, and set goals for the new year. My new year’s resolution for 2017 will be 1920×1080 (same as last year). I wish I could upgrade it to 5k, but it will have to do for now.
In 2016, I set a goal to post to my blog every week – I met that goal. I also planned to get more certs – of which I achieved my LFCE, COA, and Puppet Certified Professional. I also sharpened my ruby skills.
For 2017, I am not going to write on my blog every week. Instead I will write more lengthy blog posts and tutorials.
In 2016 we saw the Cubs win the world series, Microsoft join the Linux foundation, Google join the ASP.net foundation, and pigs actually flew. I can only imagine what 2017 will hold.