From nginx to traefik (and solving X-Forwarded-For)

I recently switched my home setup from nginx to traefik. I had to get used to the new configuration styles and weird doc style of traefik, but suffice to say, I am happy at the end results. Traefik ships with SNI, allowing me to snoop the connection and prevent unauthorized access to my file server. […]

Use the same Dockerfile – please

As Containers have progressed, Docker has stood out as the defacto standard. As many of the laggards are coming up to speed, Dockerfiles can be seen in many open source repositories. With the addition to that, I have seen a few repos with a Dockerfile-prod, Dockerfile-dev, Dockerfile-test, etc. Additionally, you find an IF clause in […]

Jenkins-x on home kubernetes cluster

Jenkins-x appears to be the next big thing in CI/CD workflows – especially if you develop applications on kubernetes. There were a few tweaks I needed to do to set it up: I had to manually create Persistent Volumes (no big deal, below are what I have for my NFS share) apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: […]

Allowing outside access to Home Kubernetes Cluster

After I created a home kubernetes cluster, I immediately wanted to allow external access to pods/services/ingresses hosted inside the cluster. One must be aware that in bare metal environments, there is no receiver of an api call to create a load balancer. Since there is not a scriptable environment available to kubernetes, kubernetes cannot request […]

Home Kubernetes cluster

So I admit it – I am completely obsessed with Kubernetes. All of the web app/api deployment challenges in the past 20 years have been somewhat solved with the Kubernetes orchestration and scheduling platform. Kubernetes brings fault-tolerance, and Highly available systems if set up correctly (i.e. use a Kubernetes cloud installer). I enjoy having the […]

Adding a user to k8s RBAC

In order to add a user to a kubernetes cluster, we will need several things: kubectl, CA.crt and CA.key (found in your head node’s /etc/kubernetes/pki folder), and openssl. First, create a private key for the new user. In this example, we will name the file employee.key: openssl genrsa -out employee.key 2048 Next, we will need to […]

Reusable containers with confd

I recently had the need to populate a file in a docker container based upon whether or not the container is in production or development. I eventually came across confd which let me populate data in files based upon particular environment variables. While confd excels with distributed key value stores, my needs (and infrastructure) is at a much […]

Autosign Puppet certificates on AWS

Let’s face it, Puppet’s method of certificates is a pain and huge administration overkill if done manually. Thankfully, puppet has designed several methods of auto-signing certificates. One of which is via crafting a special certificate signing request and verifying the certificate signing request is genuine. On the puppet master Apply the following code on your […]

Moving to Desktop GNU/Linux from Windows/Mac

There are many curious individuals who tinker with GNU/Linux as a Server OS and want to experience what it is like as a Desktop OS. The switch is often hindered by two obstacles: Some daily use programs are not available. (i.e. Photoshop, iTunes, etc.) The unknown of what to do if something goes wrong or […]

Captive Portal Overview

I originally authored this on Aug 16, 2016 at Considering my tutorial did not include an overview, I thought I would re-post it on my blog. To make a captive portal appear, you need to stop all internet traffic and provide a 302 redirectto the client’s browser. To do this, you need to have a […]

Captive Portal Restaurant Menu

I have been contacted several times in regards to my captive portal post. In India there seems to be a surge in popularity for restaurants to have an open WiFi that prompts a user to open up a menu/splash page. The caveat being the legal issues encountered when providing free, open wireless internet. In order […]

Easy unix epoch timestamps from CLI

While working on various projects and ultimately the need for a Unix timestamp for expiring swift objects in OpenStack, I needed a quick way to convert past, present, and future timestamps to the Unix epoch. Traditionally, I went to google, searched for a Unix timestamp converter, and retrieved my seconds that way. Unfortunately in exams, […]

OpenStack PS1 snippet

I have been studying for my OpenStack certification test (the COA) which is scheduled next week. One thing that was painful to keep track of was the user I was using to interface with OpenStack as the rc file you download from OpenStack does not update your PS1 prompt. I came up with the following […]

OpenStack certification

On Dec 20th, I am scheduled to take my COA exam. From the exam requirements page, it appears to be a somewhat moderately difficult exam. The few points I need work on are heat templates and swift object administration. A few things I know about the exam are what are publicly available via YouTube videos […]

Using Puppet to host a private RPM repository

A repository is a place where files are stored, indexed, and available through a package manager to anyone who has the repository information. With rpm based systems, a repository is created with a tool called createrepo. Most of the time, publicly available repositories already offer the packages your server needs. When you have a custom […]