Using Puppet to host a private RPM repository
A repository is a place where files are stored, indexed, and available through a package manager to anyone who has the repository information. With rpm
based systems, a repository is created with a tool called createrepo
. Most of the time, publicly available repositories already offer the packages your server needs. When you have a custom application you want to deploy (or even rebuild an existing application with your patches), it is best to distribute that package with a repository rather than a file share or some other means. Often a folder structure is created so that differing client OS versions can connect to the same repository and access versions compiled to that specific release. In my example below, I am not creating this folder structure as I am only serving one major release – Centos 7 – and the packages I am generating are website directories which are just a collection of portable code.
A private repository is not a tricky feat – all you have to do is serve the repository via https and require http basic authentication. You then configure the clients to connect to the repository with the basic authentication in the URL string (i.e. baseurl=
). The HTTPS protocol is not required to serve a repository, but it does prevent network snoopers from seeing your repository credentials.
Now that we know what is needed for a private repository, we can then define it in our puppet code.
node '' {
file { '/var/yumrepos':
ensure => directory,
createrepo { 'yumrepo':
repository_dir => '/var/yumrepos/yumrepo',
repo_cache_dir => '/var/cache/yumrepos/yumrepo',
enable_cron => false, #optional cron job to generate new rpms every 10 minutes
package { 'httpd':
ensure => installed,
httpauth { 'repouser':
ensure => present,
file => '/usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users',
password => 'some-long-password',
mechanism => basic,
require => Package['httpd'],
file { '/usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users':
ensure => file,
owner => 'nginx',
mode => '0644',
manage_repo => true,
package_source => 'nginx-mainline',
www_root => '/var/yumrepos/yumrepo',
index_files => [],
autoindex => 'on',
rewrite_to_https => true,
ssl => true,
auth_basic => 'true',
auth_basic_user_file => '/usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users',
ssl_cert => "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/public_keys/$::fqdn.pem",
ssl_key => "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys/$::fqdn.pem",
vhost_cfg_prepend => {
'default_type' => 'text/html',
For the above code to work, we need the required modules:
mod 'palli/createrepo', '1.1.0'
mod "puppet/nginx", "0.4.0"
mod "jamtur01/httpauth", "0.0.3"
We can then use the following declaration on our nodes to use this repository.
yumrepo {'private-repo':
descr => 'My Private Repo - x86_64',
baseurl => '',
enabled => 'true',
gpgcheck => 'false',
metadata_expire => '1',
You now have a fully functional private repository – deploy your awesome software.