Refreshing Ruby Knowledge

I see a trend in system administration tasks moving toward the Ruby programming language. Yes, you can still code in Perl, Python, Shell, etc., but Ruby seems to be growing in popularity as a choice in scripting language. It should be – it is certainly easier to type and it has a big community to go with it. I was first introduced to Ruby in 2009 and immediately after learning Ruby, I learned Ruby on Rails. At the time, Rails and the MVC model was too advanced for me and so I never used my knowledge. Mostly because Rails had many “does this automatically so you do not need to include it in your code” so it was difficult for a beginner.

Now nearly 7 years later, I am taking Ruby off my virtual bookshelf and blowing the bugs off of it and refreshing my knowledge – this time leaving Rails out of the picture. So far I am liking plain Ruby. Below are some resources I have used to sharpen my Ruby skills.


Bonus: Setting up the exercism client on Fedora 24

The exercism client is written in Go. Go can fetch and install other Go programs as long as you have aย Go workspace set up. To do that we will issue the following commands:

# To install go
sudo dnf install golang

# To set up the workspace
mkdir -p ~/gocode/{bin,src,pkg}
echo 'export GOPATH=$HOME/gocode' >> ~/.profile
echo 'export export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin' >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile

Those commands will set up the Go workspace and allow you to issue the next command: go get -u