Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from the Wippler family!

We pray that you are enjoying this season of celebration as we reflect upon our Saviour’s birth. Truly, for the Christian, Christ is the focal point of the season.

October was unusually mild and warm for Minnesota. Then on Friday, October 27, a snowstorm swept through our area dumping the highest one-day snowfall total ever recorded in Duluth since October 1933! Quite a rude awakening for this California family. However, we are loving the snow and are adjusting to the colder climate (although we’re told the worst is yet to come). Like today, when the high is going to be -10°F!

On the family side of things, it’s been a joy to watch the Lord work in Mollie’s life this past year–first with her salvation in June and then with her decision to be baptized 3 weeks ago. She has a tender heart, and we’re praying the Lord uses her greatly. On a humorous note, she decided yesterday she wanted to style her hair like “mommy’s.” While Nicole prepared lunch downstairs, Mollie was upstairs adjusting her hairstyle.

Fortunately, not too much damage was done, and the hairdresser informed us that having shorter layers in the front and longer in the back is the “in” look.

Meg turned 4 on November 7, while Clark celebrated his 3rd birthday on December 15! How time flies! Meg continues to astound us with her love of and ability to learn. She’s a thinker for sure: the other day during family devotions, Nicole asked her why Mary washed Jesus feet with her hair, hoping she’d say something along the lines of “because she loved Jesus.” Instead she responded with, “because she didn’t have any towels.”

Now that Jake’s gotten a little older, Clark and Jake have become car/train playing buddies. It’s hilarious to watch them playing/dragging their blankets together around the house. Both boys are becoming more articulate. After Clark fell on his face one day, Nicole teasingly said, “Oh no! Your face has broken into 100 pieces. Let’s get some glue.” With a panic stricken tone, Clark told Mollie, “Get the glue, Mollie! Hurry! My face is broken!” We’re truly blessed with 4 precious children!

Speaking of blessings, it’s been a tremendous blessing to see the Lord working in our church. At our annual Christmas dinner, we had many visitors with several making professions of salvation. The following Sunday morning we had our children’s Christmas program. The auditorium was filled, and several of our bus children had family in attendance. One little girl invited and saw her school mentor in attendance. We’re praying that many of these visitors will be saved, baptized, and then discipled in the upcoming months.

In closing, let us wish your family a Happy New Year! We truly appreciate your prayers as we seek to be faithful to the Lord and His calling upon our lives. You are in our thoughts and prayers as well.


Andrew and Nicole