Docker-izing WordPress for Kubernetes
WordPress is amazingly popular considering how antiquated the file structure and code appears to be. Even still, it is the easiest CMS that I have used and the community has created plugins to make the copy-folder-for-a-new-theme/plugin at least tolerable. A challenge comes when one wants to use the 1990’s method of serving web applications in a more modern way (such as running inside a container on top of Kubernetes).
Containers are meant to be immutable and treated as read-only. (No change to files in the container after they are built.) Containers are supposed to be a point-in-time release of software. As such, I can roll-back to a specific container version and have that specific code running. This causes a problem when one wants to use a file-dependent application such as WordPress. The best I could come up with for running WordPress in a container is a forward-only method of deploying code (basically, giving up the ability to use a previous version of code.) Thereย isย a way to keep that functionality, but it would mean storing everything (including uploads) inside an ever-growing container or using a central object store such as S3 for uploads. It would also require a re-build of the container every time a plugin is updated – which would presumably be every hour.
My deployments of WordPress are so little that I can hardly justify using S3 for uploads, keeping the plugins in sync, and going backwards in time.
When deploying to Kubernetes, one can scale the replicas to N copies. Keeping plugins, themes, and updates the same across all replicas will require a READ WRITE MANY (rwx) volume to be shared. This could be a GlusterFS volume or NFS, but it cannot be a AWS EBS volume or any other single-use block storage.
When looking at the available WordPress images, there are three that seem interesting. With the official image, I like that I can use php-fpm and alpine. The next top two implementations of WordPress have very bloated docker files. I have come to the conclusion that my WordPress container will have to be built from scratch.
The Dockerfile is very similar to the official WordPress container. It uses
as the base image, adds in nginx, and inserts a generic wp-config.php file.
The folder structure for the container is as follows:
nginx.conf is a very basic configuration file with gzip and cache headers. The real neat things come in the file.
WordPress Container Folder
โโโ Dockerfile
โโโ html
โย ย โโโ ... Contents of
โโโ nginx.conf
โโโ wp-config.php
It can be built by running a command similar to docker build -t andrewwippler/wordpress:latest .
I borrowed the database creation script; however, since PHP was already installed in the container, I ran a few more checks in PHP rather than bash.
For instance, the container places the local code in
All files I have referenced in this article are located in a gist. In addition to those files a local docker-compose.yml file might be helpful for your local development:
and rsyncs it to /var/www/html
where the webserver sees it, but it only does this if the code in html-original
is newer than html
. This allows an operator to mount a storage volume at /var/www/html
which can be shared across Kubernetes Deployment replicas. The code for this is:
// see if we need to copy files over
include '/var/www/html-original/wp-includes/version.php';
$dockerWPversion = $wp_version;
if (file_exists('/var/www/html/wp-includes/version.php')) {
include '/var/www/html/wp-includes/version.php';
$installedWPversion = $wp_version;
} else {
$installedWPversion = '0.0.0';
fwrite($stderr, "dockerWPversion: $dockerWPversion - installedWPversion: $installedWPversion\n");
if(version_compare($dockerWPversion, $installedWPversion, '>')) {
fwrite($stderr, "Installing wordpress files\n");
exec('rsync -au /var/www/html-original/ /var/www/html');
I have also included a theme-only check that will update the theme if it has changed. This is necessary to update the theme files when the version of WordPress has not changed.
if (filemtime('/var/www/html-original/wp-content/themes') > filemtime('/var/www/html/wp-content/themes')) {
fwrite($stderr, "Updating theme files\n");
exec('rsync -au --delete-after /var/www/html-original/wp-content/themes/ /var/www/html/wp-content/themes');
version: '2'
image: mariadb:10
- ./tmp/db:/var/lib/mysql
build: wordpress
- ./html:/var/www/html
- ./nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:ro
- db
- 8080:80